We run a comprehensive range of services and clinics at our practice. All these services can be accessed in normal nurse/ consultation sessions for your convenience.
Our nurses are trained in diabetic care and will provide you with a care plan.
Asthma & COPD
Advice and support from our nurses as well as routine checks.
Stop Smoking Advice:
Please contact your local pharmacy or alternatively contact The Healthy Lifestyle Team at Brighton and & Hove City Council, link: Help to stop smoking (brighton-hove.gov.uk)
Child Health and Immunisation
All children are invited for routine vaccinations with our nurses. Our GPs carry out routine developmental checks.
Emotional Wellbeing Service
Do you have a diagnosed mental illness, or are having difficulties with your mental health and wellbeing? Emotional Wellbeing Services is now available at Allied Medical, to offer you information, advice, guidance and support.